Test Run

Created: 2024.01.20

Giving ITIQPro's CMMS a test run will allow you to personally experience its features and see how well it fits with your organization's needs. Here are a few tips for making the most out of your trial:

  1. Identify Specific Needs: Before starting, clearly outline what you need from a EAM/CMMS. Consider your current pain points, operational inefficiencies, or areas where you want to improve maintenance management. Take a look at the reasons others choose ITIQPro, but don't rely on that - rely on your needs and where you can get the most benefit. We think you'll be pleased with the flexibility we provide.
  2. Engage Key Team Members: Involve those who will be using the system regularly as well as those who will be using the output. Getting input and feedback from maintenance staff, IT personnel, and management will provide a well-rounded view of the system's effectiveness. There are so many times that 'management' picks a system without stakeholders, and the stakeholders are unable to get the value that was desired or unwilling to do what is needed to achieve the goals.
  3. Test Core Features: Make sure to test the features that are most important to your business, such as offline capabilities, performance on slow networks, customization options, reports and scalability. Again - use your list of what is important; we provide features for everyone, but that doesn't mean that any given feature is critical to your success, even if it was the most critical for someone else's success.
  4. Evaluate User Interface and Ease of Use: Assess how intuitive and user-friendly the interface is. A good EAM/CMMS should be easy to navigate and require minimal training. Look especially at tasks your team is going to do weekly, daily and hourly. ITIQPro prides itself on having spent thousands of hours making sure the things customers spend the most time on are the most efficient, and then, if that isn't enough, we give nearly infinite customization so you can optimize it for your work flows.
  5. Check Integration Capabilities: If integration with other systems is important for your operations, test how well ITIQPro's MCe can connect with and exchange data with these systems. We were designed in 2003 to be good working partners with other systems, and we continue to improve the points of access today.
  6. Assess Customer Support and Resources: Evaluate the quality of customer support provided. See our resources for training and troubleshooting. Our server management is done by people in different points around the globe allowing for 24/7 troubleshooting.
  7. Gather Feedback and Analyze Data: Throughout the trial, gather feedback from your team and analyze the data you collect. This will help you make an informed decision about whether ITIQPro's MCe is the right fit for your organization.
  8. Consider Long-Term Requirements: Think about how the EAM/CMMS will serve your needs as your organization grows and evolves in the future.

Remember, the goal of the trial is not just to see if the software works, of course it works - major government organizations in multiple countries, major cities, and companies ranging from 10 employees up to fortune 50 companies have been using it since 2003 with less than 5% turnover, but rather the goal for you is to determine if it improves your maintenance management processes and brings value to your organization. Good luck with your test run, and we look forward to your response on how ITIQPro's MCe meets all your expectations including our phenomenal support and development for the areas where the software doesn't yet meet every one of your wants and needs.